About us

Inter-university Center for Italo-Iberian Studies

ITIBER promotes research activities in the literary and linguistic relationships between Italian, Portuguese and Spanish literature, in a European and inter-disciplinary perspective, with a particular focus on 17th-18th centuries.

Italia Portogallo Spagna


The research group that is now promoting the creation of the ITIBER center started twenty year ago, at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, by studying the “Literary exchanges between Italy and the Iberian Peninsula in the Reinassance and Baroque ages”, under the guide of prof. Davide Conrieri.

The group kept on meeting regularly to study a diverse range of subjects, such as:

Literary collections in the Baroque Age: typology and history;

"Italian cultural centers and knwoledge exchanges in Baroque Europe".


Our seminar could always count on regular cycles of conferences held by Italian and foreign scholars, building relationships with institutions researching on the same subjects, such as:

“Centro interuniversitario per lo studio della Lombardia spagnola” – University of Pavia
Proyecto Boscán

Catálogo histórico crítico de las traducciones de la literatura italiana al castellano y al catalán

coordinated by M.N. Muñiz Muñiz at the Autonomous University of Barcelona

Centro interuniversitário de estudos camonianos

University of Coimbra

"Progetto Mambrino"

University of Verona

"Progetto Novellieri Italiani”

University of Turin

The research group coordinated by prof. E. Sánchez García – University of Naples


that focuses on Spanish (and Spain-related) publishing and culture in the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily between the Renaissance and Baroque.

Next step

At the end of this first phase, the early participants, who are now teaching in various Italian and foreign universities, were still willing to keep alive that research experience, that has proved to be very fruitful for each of them and cannot be compared with other research initiatives explored by the group in recent years (PRIN projects or projects funded by individual universities such as Florence, promoted and coordinated by M. Graziani and S. Vuelta), which have nontheless ensured the "survival" of the group over the years and offered important results to the scientific community.


Such occasions, however, were necessarily less inter-disciplinary, and could not provide the same opportunities for discussion and scientific growth as the regular encounters at the Scuola Normale. The Inter-University Centre aims therefore at being a "workshop" on specific issues, with regular meetings, inviting Italian and foreign specialists, and creating opportunities for wider debate (conferences and workshops).


Objectives of the centre

Collaborating in research and development activities with public and private bodies, on the basis of specific agreements and/or through scientific dissemination initiatives, symposia, schools
Organising national and international courses, seminars, refresher courses and study conferences on the research subjects of the group, in compliance with the requirements of university administration
Stimulating interdisciplinary collaboration initiatives
Promoting scientific debate; publishing articles, texts, manuals, journals, bibliographic indexes
Encouraging the exchange of information between researchers – also in collaboration with other Institutes or University Departments (even if not directly affiliated to the Inter-University Centre) – and national and international research organizations, orresearch units that operate in Italian and foreign public bodies and private institutions
Promoting research activities in the fields of literary and linguistic relations between Italian, Portuguese and Spanish literatures, in a European and interdisciplinary perspective, with a particular focus on the 16th - 18th centuries

Articles of association

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Universities affiliated to Itiber

This is the spirit that animates our research group, in the belief that prolongued interdisciplinary and comparative research can have important scientific effects both on the scientific community as a whole and on the profile of each of the affiliated insititutions.